No one would ever argue that cancer is good news.

Cancer scares people, and they get uncomfortable. Cancer is a word that strikes fear into people’s hearts, producing a deep sense of powerlessness.

But the truth is, cancer has been both my enemy and my friend. I lost my mother to cancer whereas I survived stage 3B breast cancer at the age of 32.

 When you lean into the opening that a cancer diagnosis creates, you may quickly realize that all we have is to embrace the present moment. You may heal on many levels. You may find a deeper sense of meaning; connecting to spiritual dimensions of being and finding real purpose and joy in your life.

The probability of Cancer striking back is always there even after you have gone through the complete treatment and survived while taking care of your lifestyle and diet. One can never be sure even after doing everything right that would it ever come back. Often people live under this fear and stop being themselves, in fact, I had a similar fear which I tried to suppress but it still is there.

After completion of my breast cancer treatment, I underwent a genetic test in 2016 which determines the possibilities of Cancer coming back based on your genes and family history conducted by Strand Life Sciences which came out positive in a bad way. I am the carrier of the BRCA1 gene, which substantially increases the risk of getting cancer back into my life in the form of breast and ovarian cancer.

I have 80 % possibility of getting a recurrence of Cancer and honestly, it made my head cleared and gave time to prepare my defences. I know I can’t leave even any stone unturned in order to keep cancer at bay.

I keep telling others to not to be embarrassed to talk openly about cancer and health. Encourage the people in your life to educate themselves about screening, warning signs, and treatment. If you share this with others, chances are that you may help one of them battle cancer.

Sometimes you will feel like you not only have to support yourself but also the people around you. What is important is to learn as much as possible about what you can do to protect yourself on a daily basis.

I am inspired to share information with others, lifestyle and environmental factors can play major roles in cancer development, and specific whole-person wellness and lifestyle strategies are key to help reduce cancer risk. Overall, I believe that difficult times can be seen as an opportunity to transform. Motivation and a commitment to change can create significant improvements.

Live life to the fullest and make the most of NOW

 Dimple Bawa- Founder & President Cheers To life Foundation